Most of us know what it feels like to have our calls and text messages ignored by our loved ones. A new app will make it harder for people to ignore your text messages and calls. If you send someone a text message, then their phone will make a noise. The phone will make this noise regardless of whether the phone is on ring or silent.

The app will also freeze the phone until it the person replies to the text message. The app was invented by a father who was tired of his son ignoring his text messages. His son would tell his father that he could not hear the phone because it was always on silent. The name of the app is ReplyASAP. However, there is a catch to this app.

The only way that the app will work if the other person has the same app on their phone. They also have to accept your friend request. You can download the app for free. However, you will have to pay €1, or $1.23 for every friend that you add. Therefore, the more people you connect with, the more you will have to pay for this app.

This app was first released in August 2017. It is available on Apple and iOS devices. This app has received mixed reviews. Many people like this app because it makes it easier for them to get in touch with their loved ones. However, many people feel that this app is a waste of money. They would rather be ignored than pay for this app.

Nick Herbert is the creator of this app. He stated that he understands how difficult it can be to raise children in the digital age. He believes that children and parents should have a relationship based on trust and independence.