Files are an important part of our lives, especially in the digital age. We use them for work, school, and personal projects. When you download a file from the internet, you should check a few things first to make sure the file is safe. Below are these.

The File Extension

The first thing you should check is the file extension. File extensions tell you what kind of file it is and which program it should be opened with. Some file extensions are more common than others, such as .txt, .docx, and .pdf. Others are less common and can be more suspicious, such as .exe, .scr, and .zip. Be careful when downloading files with these less common extensions, as they may be harmful to your computer.

The SSL Certificate of the Website

The website you’re downloading it from should have an SSL certificate when you download a file. This means that the website is secure and your information is safe. You can usually tell if a website has an SSL certificate by looking at the URL. It has an SSL certificate if it starts with “https://” instead of just “http://”.

The File Size

Another thing to look at before downloading a file is the size of the file. This can be found in the file properties or by simply looking at the file itself. If the file is very large, it may be a video or image file. These are usually safe to download. However, if the file is very small, it may be a virus or malware. Be careful when downloading these small files, as they could harm your computer.

The File Source

You should check the source of the file before downloading it. If you find the file on a website you trust, such as Microsoft or Adobe, it is probably safe to download. However, if you find the file on a less trusted website or one you have never heard of before, you should be more cautious. These websites may be trying to spread viruses or malware.

When downloading a file from the internet, you should always check the file extension, SSL certificate, file size, and file source. These things will help you determine if the file is safe to download. If you are unsure about a file, it is always best to err on the side of caution and not download it.