
A user manual is a set of instructions to help users or customers follow through with a process. The purpose is to inform people what they need to do and when they should do it. They can also be helpful when there are any problems with the product or service you are trying to sell.

A Guide To Creating A User Manual

  1. Recognize the users

The first step when creating a user manual is to recognize the users who will use it. Find out their background, what problems they may have, and what kind of expertise they have.

  1. Identify the problem

There are many ways to identify the problem that you want to solve. Do not just think about what the users of your product will be using it for. Sometimes you will need to go back to the drawing board since the problem is not one they have.

  1. Guide the user

Use sequential steps to guide the users through each step of your process, with a clear beginning and end. It is essential to create a manual that does not require users to wait for others or be dependent on other people for their information.

  1. Study users’ product usage

Make a map of the user journey, which shows all the tasks they will have to go through to accomplish their goals. This way, you can make sure that the material is organized clearly and makes sense to the reader.

  1. Select a template

There are free and paid templates to help you get your user manual ready. You can use already available templates, like the ACP Dictionary of Terms or the ACP Style Guide. There is also a custom template available for purchase.

  1. Write down easy follow content

Using a flow chart can make your manual easy to follow and allows your users to go from one step to the next without skipping any steps. Some people also prefer to use videos instead of text to get visual cues.

  1. Construct content using a practical approach

The purpose of the user manual is to solve a problem, so be sure that all your content makes it clear how to remedy the issue. Include screenshots where appropriate to illustrate what you mean.

  1. Give the meanings of symbols, icons, and codes early

Throughout your content, make sure that symbols, icons, and codes are clearly defined. Many users may not have the same terms or come from different parts of the world.


It is important to remember that even though a user manual is created for a specific product or service, it can benefit products as different as accounting software and web browsers because they may need to use the same content.