In a world where PC and console gamers seemingly dominate the digital playground, there co-exists a jovial bunch that prefer the compact but equally exciting world of mobile gaming. And while there is a rather huge competitor in the market, the Google Play Store is easily a go-to site for many, largely because of how convenient it is to download games and apps from the search giant’s own digital store.
Considering the innumerable amount of action games Google Play Store has, it can be really confusing to pick out which ones are worth your time and money. So here’s a little suggestion you might want to consider. Behold, some of Play Store’s most exciting action games that’ll get you hooked:
Stranger Things: The Game
Let’s start right off with a game that’s based on Netflix’s hottest show as of the moment — Stranger Things: The Game, because of course, the best TV show deserves a game of its own.
A game that’s a faithful adaptation of the show, it’s the perfect fix for your Stranger Things addiction especially if you’ve finished off the entirety of Season 2.
Think of it as an advertisement for the show’s second season that’s playable. Yes, it’s completely free of charge and they won’t force you to spend money in-game either. And oh, whether you’ve watched the show or not, you won’t get lost in the story. Yes, the game stands great on its own.
Injustice 2
If Gods Among Us got you all excited, then Injustice 2 will defibrillate your heart as well. The first game was a huge hit among the Android crowd and it’s sequel won’t disappoint either. In this action-packed mobile game, you’ll be faced with the usual baddies — Harley, Joker, and many others — and your favorite heroes still have the Super Moves to finish off enemies quickly.
The game is still free but there’s more heroes to unlock and swap if needed, which you can enjoy with friends or your cool uncle who digs DC.
Death Road to Canada
Canadians are notoriously super nice, so it’s just fitting why Canada is the safest place you can get to should a zombie apocalypse strike. The road to Canada isn’t all rainbows and unicorns though. Plus, you have to take with you a group of people who make the crappiest companions in a zombie attack.
What’s great about this mobile game is the randomness, so there’s no way of mastering it since no obstacle is ever the same. This is the only game on the list that you have to pay for, (it’s a hefty $10) but it’ll be one of your best purchases in the Play Store, guaranteed.
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