No operating system has more users globally than Android. However, some users have recently reported problems with various notifications they are receiving from their Android tablets and phones. The Android notification problems deal specifically with the use of Bluetooth. In some cases, notifications will appear again after they have been deleted by the user. The volume of the notification sound will also go up and down for no apparent reason. Lastly, an issue exists where loud notifications will come in when a person has set his or her phone to do not disturb or vibrate. These are issues that Android will need to resolve as soon as possible. This is especially true since Apple is launching a new operating system to compete with Android.

The notification issues might not solely be the fault of Android. Bluetooth is used to connect the Android device to another device when any of these problems happen. Therefore, Bluetooth accessories might be the root cause. Google has not issued a solution to these problems as of yet. More people are using Bluetooth to utilize wireless audio every day. Therefore, getting these problems remedied is in the best interests of everyone involved. Google and Android cannot afford to have their users moving over to Apple because of unwanted notifications caused by a bug with Bluetooth.

Pixel devices made by Google and Samsung Galaxy models seem to be the ones that are mostly effected by the notifications issues. Neither company has commented on the problem as of yet. It is not known how seriously either of these companies is taking this issue. There are many people who use Bluetooth every day to have conversations while they are driving in their car. They are finding this harder to do as a result of the problems with notifications interrupting their conversations.

Apple believes that their new operating system will work far better than anything that Android has released to this point. It remains to be seen if that will be the case. There is no question that Android has a lot on the line where this notification problem is concerned. They will need to resolve this issue in order to restore customer confidence in their operating system. People started to report these problems on Reddit. It was first thought to be an issue that only affected a few people. However, it quickly became apparent that people around the world were having the same problem.

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