Cactus Feeders is a company in the United States that has a unique purpose to feed the hungry world. They offer their most important resources to their animals they care for and the employees that work for them and care for the animals. Their goal is to produce high-quality food to feed those who are hungry around the world. Because their families also consume the products they raise, they want the best for them and ensure their animal products are safe and nutritious to eat.


More than 12 million pounds of Cactus cattle create red meat for distribution. Additionally, 14,000 Cactus Market Hogs produce over two million pounds of bacon, ham and other pork-related products for friends, families and neighbors to consume. At around four ounces per serving, more than 56 million meals are created each week with Cactus Feeders products.

Sustainable Food

Cactus Feeders believe they are sustainable because they can feed the country’s growing population. However, they are not settling with sustaining the current population. In the future, they will be working to grow and enhance their practices to be more efficient than ever. According to FAO, the demand for food globally will rise by 100% by 2050. The global population is growing faster and taking over the limited land available to use. Because of this, technology needs to increase to enhance efficiency in these food sectors.

It is no secret modern societies will be dependent on modernized agriculture and technological innovations to truly be sustainable. For the company, this means always thinking innovatively and looking for new ways to better feed the hungry families around the world.


Every day, the employees of Cactus Feeders works diligently with the animals they are raising. The goal is to turn each animal into high-quality beef or pork that working families can afford in order to get the nutrition they need. By 2030, over three billion people around the world are expected to become middle-class citizens. This means that more people will be looking to increase their demand for high-quality pork and beef from suppliers. Unfortunately, increasing demand often means increasing prices.

For Cactus Feeders, the goal is to increase meat output without increasing the cost for families. The company aims to keep its products affordable by staying updated with the latest technology and research they can utilize to feed families the high-quality food products they require.

Employee Owned

Cactus Feeders is employee-owned through the use of a stock ownership plan. The company pays its employees twice by way of paychecks and annual stock returns. While working for the company, employees will earn 100% of their retirement at a rate that is double the national average. This plan was created in 1990 and now covers more than 70 employees who have already reached more than 20 years of service. The company employs more than 800 people across Texas, Georgia, Kansas, Iowa, North Carolina and South Carolina. The company is always working to educate, develop and change people’s views on the importance of sustainability in agriculture.