Ever since search giant Google changed its name to Alphabet a few years ago, the company has been allocating its massive cash reserves to develop a diversity of advanced tech projects. From artificial intelligence to self-driving vehicles and from virtual reality to life extension, Google is now involved in tech projects that may seem like science fiction but are actually shaping our future.

Calico Labs is a Google division dedicated to extending the human lifespan. Searching for the fountain of youth is a historical endeavors that was once limited to literary fantasy and science fiction; however, recent advances in biotechnology and life sciences are actually bringing us closer to this ideal. The Google researcher who envisioned Calico Labs believes that human life could be extended by hundreds of years through genomics, machine learning and artificial intelligence.

Here are some of the research topics being studied by Calico Labs scientists:

Treating the Diseases of Aging

Cancer, type-2 diabetes and Alzheimer’s are diseases traditionally linked with aging and with the degradation of human protein functions. Earlier this year, Calico Labs made a substantial investment in C4 Therapeutics, a biotechnology firm that is developing medications that specifically target the biological degradation that allow the onset of these diseases.

Advanced Genetic Fingerprinting

Calico Labs has also partnered with The Jackson Laboratory, more commonly referred to as JAX, a health sciences firm dedicated to the study of genetics as they relate to the aging process. Similar to C4 Therapeutics, JAX seeks to prevent the diseases that become manifest as we get older. Scientists at JAX are engaged in biological research of aging from a genetic point of view. In order to develop interventions that can truly alleviate the health issues that come with aging, a full understanding of how genetics come into play is required.

What Google and Calico Labs have to offer companies such as JAX and C4 Therapeutics is more than just monetary support for research efforts; it should be noted that Google operates some of the most powerful supercomputers in the world, and these hardware rigs are constantly running artificial intelligence constructs, machine learning processes and hosting of neural networks. Life extension companies need considerable processing power to conduct their research projects, and Google can certainly provide it.

Some of the anti-aging medications that Calico Labs has been testing on mice are already being used to treat diabetes. By modifying the structure of metformin, Calico Labs may be able to completely prevent the onset of diabetes.