In the world of mobile app development, you might think that there are only a few choices to pick from. After all, do you really need to choose a programming language for your app? Well, yes, you do. A good app needs a good programming language. It would be a huge mistake to assume that you can just choose any programming language for your mobile app and expect it to work out. Choosing the right programming language is extremely important. If you don’t pick the right language, your app will never see the light. Here are some of the top programming languages if you would want to build on your first app.

1.Ruby on Rails

Ruby on Rails (RoR) is a web application framework created by David Heinemeier Hansson (DHH). DHH created Ruby on Rails to allow people to create dynamic, fast, and secure web applications. Ruby on Rails is known for its agility and adaptability to various applications. Ruby on Rails also has built-in support for many standard web services, such as authentication, authorization, and search. The framework also allows for easy extensions, because most of the code is written in a standard format. Because of how much Ruby on Rails is used for mobile app development, it has a very broad reach.


The programming language known as Java was created in 1991 by Sun Microsystems. It was one of the first programming languages to be used for developing software specifically for computers running the Unix operating system. The popularity of Java increased with the advent of the Internet, when businesses realized that using Java technology would speed up the time it took to develop web applications. The software development industry has shown a lot of interest in Java over the years, and it is currently one of the most popular programming languages used for mobile app development.

3.Swift for iOS Development

Swift was created by Apple in 2014 and was initially used only for developing Apple devices. It was created as an attempt to create a more mature and standard programming language that could take on Objective-C. The new language has done just that. It is more flexible, easier to manage, and faster to write. That has helped it become the most popular choice for developing iOS apps, despite being only used for making apps for Apple products.

To choose the right language, you have to look at the target audience. Do you have a team? What kind of experience do you have with programming? Do you have experience writing desktop or web apps? The right programming language depends on all of these factors and more.