Farming animals has greatly benefited humanity. Cows and sheep are built for farm life. However, certain animals should never be raised on a farm. Scientists say that octopuses should never be farmed. The reason that they say that scientists should not be farmed is because this would do serious damage.

Global demand for octopuses is increasing. The prices are high because the supply is not meeting the demand. Experts are predicting that the prices will stay high for the rest of 2019. This is why many people have already started to farm octopuses.

In a report by The Guardian, researchers have highlighted a number of negative ways that the environment can be hurt if octopuses are farmed. Nitrogen and phosphorous pollution would be created from the animal waste. Diseases and interbreeding will also result from octopus farming.

Additionally, researchers are concerned about the octopus diet. Octopuses are carnivores. They require oil and protein in order to live. Researchers say that feeding the octopuses would put extra pressure on the fish. It is estimated that 30 percent of the fish that is caught globally is fed to another animal.

Octopuses require a lot of food. In fact, it can eat three times its weight during its lifetime. It can be hard for factory farms to make sure that its needs are met.

Even if all of the issues can be addressed, it is cruel to farm octopuses. If you have ever been to an aquarium, then you know that they are intelligent and can solve problems quickly. Octopuses can become destructive if they are in captivity. They get bored easily and will start eating the tips of their own tentacles.

Scientists are trying to get private companies, academic institutions and the government from investing in octopus farming. They believe that people should focus their efforts on sustainable methods of food farming.