There are two words many people cringe at when brought together: web design. It’s funny how the internet has changed so much over the years and how it’s easier to make a website than before. But not every website is made equal: some deserve more visits, while you should avoid others like the plague.

In this post, we’ll go over three essential tips that any good web designer needs to know before messing around with code or using Photoshop for the first time.

1. Understand the Psychology of Design

Your site needs personality for people to want to return. But that’s not necessarily a positive thing: try to keep your site simple, and don’t be too inconsistent.

It is essential if you are having a hard time figuring out what you want to do with your website in the first place. It would help if you had a basic idea of the purpose of your website before designing it. That way, you can use the psychology of design to make it more desirable to return.

2. Don’t Fall in Love with Your Design

You want people to love your website, but don’t make it so complicated that people hate it. Many online websites are just over-designed, and I don’t think that is a good thing for your site’s usability. For example, there should be a balance between clutter and simplicity.

If you’re in a design rut, look to Apple’s website. They don’t come up with something new every day, but they have mastered the art of simplicity and minimalism. They don’t fall in love with their design: they make sure it works before perfecting its look.

3. Make It Easy to Navigate

As I said before, people are impatient. Don’t make people wait too long to get to the point. In addition, please don’t confuse your users by putting too many elements on a single page: they’ll lose focus and be more prone to mistakes. Give users a clear layout before you begin.

It is just a tiny portion of what you need to know to be a good designer. You can’t learn everything by reading this one post, but I hope it’s valuable information for having a successful, educated website in the future.