In the current technology domain, bias has become the order of the day in workplaces while not many people notice the situation. For instance, women are underpaid compared to their male counterpart’s. Besides, another worry comes in as the ladies are left to be mother-tracked after gravidity. Moreover, the minorities fail to have excellent representation in firms. The remedy to the experienced bias should begin with distinct organizations, or employers being conscious of the occurrences. Thus, after understanding the biases practiced in their companies, the four firms below decided to take action against the unfairness to live out. in a report noted that even the highly experienced human resource leaders, the cataleptic bias are not a new practice. According to Vivian Maza of the Ultimate software, everyone struggles with the unfairness. Nonetheless, the chief officer of the company thinks that an inclusive and open workplace can get created through evolving. For instance, organizing inclusive packages on benefits is one way to fight the experienced bias. All the benefits including health care bonuses, parental leave, gaming allowances, and meditations should get served to all employees. Supporting and piloting teamwork where everyone is brought on board can also become instrumental. Through togetherness, discovering problems and what makes others special can be achieved.

Another company named Rainforest QA covers the idea of headship and language awareness as a method of addressing the unconscious unfairness. In the Rainforest firm, they have ways of tackling the inequity through the emerging manager platform. Through such module discourse, leaders or managers will realize when the prejudice has impacted their work teams. Besides, language choice becomes another way to deal with bias in the company. According to the vice president of people at the firm, implied bias can begin before interaction. Thus, interviewers in the company are passed through training to show them the designed queries proven, to moderate unfairness. The VP concludes that it may become impossible to eliminate the unfairness, but being aware of how to handle it can reduce the level.

Another company involved in the discussion is Scalyr, which shows parental and intentional leaves as a way of undertaking bias. According to the vice president of operations in the company, many employees feel unsupported by their firms when they decide to become maternities. The solution is working on policies early enough and not when a leader or manager requires the leave. Thus, when hiring, candidates will have the information when they seek the jobs. Dialpad is the other company giving resolution to biases. The company encourages equalization despite the junior or senior post of staffs. For instance, the low-ranking employees can fail to show creativity since they fail to get equal treatment in meetings.