John Crozier is a surgeon in Australia. He stated that every car should have emergency braking technology. He also believes that the government should make this mandatory. Additionally, John stated that Australia is not meeting its target to reduce accident deaths by 30 percent by the year 2020.

Barnaby Joyce is the new transport minister. John stated that Barnaby should have the same passion about road safety as his predecessor. John has reviewed Australia’s 10-year-safety strategy. He stated that the government has to take more dramatic steps in order to meet its target.

He believes that making autonomous emergency braking mandatory. He also believes that every car should have other types of technology such as lane department warning, collision avoidance and fatigue monitoring technology. He stated that autonomous emergency braking can significantly decrease the number of accidents, which can decrease injuries and death.

John believes that the technology should be placed in the cars immediately. Road accidents have been on the decline in Australia since the 1970s. However, experts are still concerned about the number of people who are getting injured and dying in car accidents.

In 2017, the car accident death rate was 4.92 per 100,000. The accident death rate was 5.62 per 100,000 the previous year. Car accident deaths decreased by 5 percent in 2017. However, 28 people died in New South Wales in car accidents over the Christmas holiday. This is double the number of people who died over the Christmas holiday in 2016.

John still believes that the current death rate is still unacceptable. Over 1,000 people in Australia are killed in a car accident each year. John stated that human beings are incredibly fragile. He sees people who have been injured in a car accident every day. He knows how serious these accidents can be.