Technology is becoming more and more integrated into everyday lives. Identity management is becoming the norm to help protect information from hackers and identity thieves. Here are some ways that you can embrace identity management in 2022.

  1. Share Information With Caution

Sharing information about ourselves is often with ease these days. For example, it’s not unusual to give an email address to a job one is applying for. Information that is given out needs to be protected. Anyone can use this information to steal your identity or use it against you in malicious ways. Individuals need to be aware that they’re at risk when sharing information like this online.

  1. Never Give Personal Information Out Without Permission

This would include personal information such as your home address or Social Security number. If you give another person access to your personal information, there is always a risk for them to misuse it against you! Many identity thieves do this, and it’s always best to prevent this from happening by asking for permission first.

  1. Don’t Click on Suspicious Links

People are often curious as to where their information is going unless they’re given full disclosure. This one is very simple: don’t click on suspicious links in your email or social media. If a link doesn’t seem right, it’s best to avoid it. Hackers often use links like these to install malware on your computer or to phish for personal information.

  1. Make Sure Your Social Media Accounts Are Secure

People must be careful with what they put on their social media accounts. There is too much social media information to go back and remove. It should be noted that people often give out their email addresses when signing up for social media accounts, and people can use them for phishing for their personal information.

  1. Don’t Use Default Passwords

There is a good chance that your password is simple, so it’s likely to be easy for someone to guess! For example, many people use their birthdate or birthday as their password, which anyone can easily guess. A way to make it harder for others to guess is to change it and try a few different ones. Using symbols or numbers is also possible instead of letters and numbers.

Identity management is important to keep your personally identifiable information safe from hackers. With the current connection, there is more risk for these attacks, and with increased pressures on security, it will only continue upwards in demand.