In an instant, your iPhone’s battery is dead, and you’re struggling to find a power outlet for your charger. You probably didn’t even know that your iPhone could have such a high battery drain, and it is most likely due to a few things! Here are the possible reasons why your iPhone’s battery is rapidly dwindling.

Your Apps Are to Blame

Apps running in the background consume more power than usual. But why? iPhones optimize the resources of your apps if you aren’t using them actively. This is why your battery life goes back to normal when you check your notifications. Your apps are eating up more battery because they aren’t closed down properly.

Wi-Fi is a Liar

Wi-Fi may seem like it’s just there for you to check your Facebook and play words with friends, but it has a massive impact on your iPhone’s battery life. It constantly searches for Wi-Fi signals and uses its data to connect to them. This drains your battery in the interest of getting you the fastest Internet connection.

Location Services Are a Pain

Apps like Google Maps and Facebook want your location so they can provide you with the best possible service. Most apps are programmed to use your location in the background and constantly use your battery. It’s best to turn off the location services when you’re not using them.

Brightness is a Nightmare

You may not have realized but your iPhone’s brightness affects your battery life. The brighter your phone is, the more power it consumes. Keep your brightness to a low setting so you can see better, but conserve power.

Siri is a Brainwasher

The Siri feature of your iPhone constantly tries to connect to your Bluetooth devices. This feature uses a lot of battery because it tries to connect with Bluetooth when you’re not using it.

Your Battery Is Old

The iPhone’s battery life is excellent, and it lasts for a good few hours, but it does have a significant drawback. If the battery is old, it will impact your iPhone’s battery life; if that’s the case, you should consider getting a new one.

The battery life of your iPhone is affected by many things, and you can improve your iPhone’s battery life and fix each problem. Even if you can’t improve your iPhone’s battery life overnight, you should at least be able to prolong its battery life as much as possible.