Every time you use an app, website, or online service, you’re using an API (Application Programming Interface). APIs are how different computer programs interact with each other. But not all APIs are created equal. Here are four factors to examine when considering a closed API: functionality, security, extensibility, and support.


The first thing you’ll want to consider is what the API can do. Does it provide the functionality you need? For example, if you’re looking for an API to use in a mobile app, you’ll want to make sure the API can work with the devices and operating systems you’re targeting.

The functionality of an API can also be affected by how it’s been designed. A well-designed API is easy to use and understand, while a poorly designed API can be difficult.


Another important factor to consider is security. How secure is the API? What kind of security measures has been put in place? Safety is important both for protecting your data and for complying with regulations.

The security of an API can also be affected by its design. For example, an API that uses OAuth2 for authentication is more secure than one that doesn’t.


The third factor to consider is extensibility. How easy is it to add new features or functionality to the API? An API that’s easy to extend will be more flexible and adaptable to changing needs. For example, an API that uses a modular approach is more extensible than one that doesn’t. This means that new features can be added without affecting the existing functionality.


Finally, you’ll want to consider support. How well does the company or organization behind the API support it? What kind of documentation and resources are available? Support for an API can also be affected by its design. For example, a well-documented API is easier to use and understand than one that isn’t.

The support of an API often differentiates a good API from a great API. A great API will have comprehensive documentation, tutorials, and other resources to help you get started. It will also have responsive customer support to answer your questions.

When considering a closed API, these are the four main factors you’ll want to examine: functionality, security, extensibility, and support. By considering each of these factors, you can make a more informed decision about whether or not a closed API is right for you.