Many people find themselves spending too much time on their electronic devices. Google seems to agree on this, which is why the company has decided to add tools to their Android devices to help customers track their phone time. Many wonder how great self-imposed time limits could work. However, if you decide to use them the way they are intended, you may find yourself breaking a very bad habit.

Android Device Screen Time Limit Feature

Google decided to create its own feature to limit screen time called the Digital Wellbeing app. This application helps to chart what you were doing on your phone and for how long. The app offers features such as turning your screen gray during the evening hours to help you remember to put your phone down. You may even decide to set up a feature that will turn off all of your apps after a certain time in the evening.

A great benefit of this feature is it allows parents can use it as a control system for their teenagers. It is a simple and effective way to limit how much time you and your kids spend on electronic devices. Something people need to remember, however, is that these features will only work if you let them.

Examine The Amount Of Time You Spend On Your Android Devices

Most people are wise enough to realize they should probably put down their phones and devices more often than they do. A research study done at the University of Melbourne has suggested that the amount of time people spend on their devices is not the most important factor. They believe it is more important to figure out what people are doing on their phones. Some people use their phone for important tasks such as reading books or chatting with loved ones. Less meaningful tasks can include watching YouTube videos are scrolling mindlessly through social media apps.

The Google screen limiting tool can be very useful to help you chart what you were using your device for the most. It can also notify you of which apps are distracting you the most during the day. Features include a pie chart that will indicate which apps and sites take up most of your time during the day. The limits you set for screen time on your devices is merely a way to nudge yourself in the right direction of spending less time on your devices.