Most professional emails include a signature portion at the bottom of the message, which includes the sender’s full name, phone number, and other contact information. With the Outlook 2016 application, which is part of the Microsoft Office suite, you can manage multiple signatures and even add formatting and HTML content. Then when composing a new outgoing email, you have the option of choosing from any of your pre-built signature templates.

Step 1:

Launch the Outlook 2016 application on your PC computer. Make sure you are logged in to your own Windows profile, as Outlook signatures are user-specific.

Step 2:

Click on the letter icon in the lower-left corner of the window to switch to the mail view.

Step 3:

Click the “New Email” button in the “Home” section of the top ribbon bar. A window will open with a blank outgoing message.

Step 4:

Go to the “Message” tab in the ribbon bar and click on the “Signature” button. Then choose “Signatures …” from the drop-down list of options. This will open a pop-up window called “Signatures and Stationery,” which will display a list of any existing email signatures.

Step 5:

Highlight the name of an existing signature to edit it, or else click the “New” button and enter a custom name for the new signature.

Step 6:

Use the “Edit signature” block to enter the desired text for your signature. With the toolbar above the box, you can set font, formatting, and alignment options. You can also choose to insert images or hyperlinks.

Step 7:

Use the drop-down menus in the upper-right corner of the window to set your default options. First, pick your primary email account and then use the “New messages” and “Replies/forwards” menus to choose which signature to add to outgoing email.

Step 8:

Click “OK” to save your signature settings and return to the main Outlook window.

For more information on working with email signatures in Outlook 2016, refer to the Microsoft support website.