On Thursday, Google began marketing a new piece of software that is called Titan security key. The hardware is premeditated to add an extra layer of defense for online security. However, the organization has faced a lot of criticism for developing the key in China through a corporation with manufacturer Feitian. The hardware has been produced by the tech companies in China. This means that several consumer electronics that the companies have manufactured will be considered to have been produced in China. Security experts like Adam Meyers from Cloudstrike security firm were interviewed on the issue. He noted that having productions done overseas will leave Google infiltrated by hackers or even the Chinese government itself during the actual assembly of the process.

Google Company has reported that the hardware that delivers the key’s security is sealed correctly before it’s taken to the manufacturer to safeguard against the supply chain spells. Google had declined to comment further on the matter. To use Google’s hardware, one needs to first set it up to function with your Google account. The other option is to use other supported services that can attack as a second safety backstop when you decide to log in. After keying in your username and your password, you will be asked to press a key on your screen that shows that’s it’s you. It’s fundamentally a physical type of what’s referred to as two-factor verification that uses two diverse phases to authenticate your identity. Many organizations, not leaving out Google, offers many ways to tally this extra phase for security purposes, which requires someone to key in a code from an application or a text message in addition to their private passwords.

Those codes, mainly when sent via text message, can be interrupted by a strong-minded hacker. A code’s signal can’t be interrupted as easily because it functions only at short range. Some organizations have been using keys or security tokens for years, most particularly the SecureID system that was invented in 1993 and finally purchased by RSA and promoted to businesses that tackle with sensitive content. More people have moved online. Google Company has already tested the key with its 85,000 workers and noted in a blog article that there has not yet been a fruitful phishing attack on Google since the corporation started using the process. All this has been done as a way of protecting user data from un-authorized access.