David Weekly is a technology expert who has worked for Alphabet and Facebook. He never wanted to work in healthcare, but he changed his mind after several people in his family were diagnosed with cancer. David noticed that there were many problems with the current health care system.

David is just one of the many people from the technology industry who is working in the healthcare field. Some of these people are in the healthcare system because of past experiences. David created an app called Medcorder. It was released on Friday April 26, 2019. The app allows people to record their doctor’s visit. They can also share the information with their family members.

David does not claim to be an expert in healthcare. In fact, he has admitted that he knows very little about medicine. His main goal is to help people. He plans on offering premium services with the app. People will have to pay extra for the premium services.

Physicians will have to approve of the app before patients can use it. Some of them will not approve of it. Many physicians are reluctant to share doctor’s notes because they fear that they will be sued.

However, David believes that many of the doctors will approve of the app. They will see the potential benefits that come along with using it. For example, more patients will be able to understand their discharge instructions after they leave the hospital. It is common for patients to miss advice.

David has worked with other technology experts to create the app including Anna Western. Anna is a former designer for Facebook. There are also more people from the technology field who are moving into the health care field. George Zachary, who is an investor for Twitter, created a biofund after he had a cancer scare. Adrian Auon, who worked for Google, created a primary care network after several of his family members became ill.

Source: https://www.cnbc.com/2019/04/28/google-vet-david-weekly-launches-medcorder-app-to-record-doctor-notes.html