There has been a very big issue with Android apps having malware attached to them when people download them. This has caused very many Android users to have phones that are not able to function properly. Needless to say, Google is taking steps to limit this happening in the future. They feel that one of the best ways to do this is to place a limit on how many apps a person can download. They are doing this for certain users who download many apps and would potentially be at risk of getting infected.

Android has an open operating system. This means it is a very easy target for hackers who are designing malware that can be used to install ads on phones, steal personal data or install ransomware that will take over a device. Google will now make it impossible to install any apps from outside of the Play Store. In addition to this, Google Play Protect must always be turned on. Google says these measures are very necessary because of the world that we are living in today. Hackers are getting smarter with each passing day. Therefore, Google needs to take these steps to make it harder for hackers to penetrate the defenses of Android operating systems.

There are many apps available for Android that come from many different developers. This means that there are many more hazardous apps for Android than there are for iOS. Phishing has always been a big problem ever since the first Android device was developed and released. Google is aware of this. They are developing new technology to make it harder for Android users to be fooled by hackers who use phishing to get their passwords and other personal info. Whether or not these improvements made by Google will be effective in making Android more secure remains to be seen.

Google wants Android users to feel that the operating system is safe. They do not want their users to flee to Apple simply because of hackers adding malware to various apps. Therefore, it is in the best interests of Google to do whatever they can to place limits on the number of app installs that a single person does. This will put them in less danger of downloading malware that could destroy their device. Google is smart enough to know that allowing hackers to run wild in the Play Store will destroy their brand.