Corporations in 2017 are dynamic, and the human labor that operates within companies has become extremely fluid. Every few months, you have employees joining the payroll and others leaving. This creates a headache for HR, as new employees have to be added on to the company’s identity while others have to be expunged from the roll all the time. The process of adding new employees to the record is known as onboarding while getting rid of the identities of departing employees is known as offboarding.

Since HR is not always able to handle this task alone, a decision is almost always reached to work with external teams such as OneLogin, which help deal with this  whole host of unmitigated issues such as dependency, overlaps and duplication of identities(or even wrongful omission of some).

Solving this conundrum

For corporations, the solution involves simply integrating their HR and Identity Management protocols. Regardless of the HR software you are using, it is always possible to have it work with IM systems like OneLogin, for instance. This process makes your organization a unified whole, going beyond a focus on the HR and IT sections. When your HR system and an IM protocol (like OneLogin, for instance) work together, then you have at your disposal a system that is capable of sharing information in an accurate and structured way, which in turn avoids chaos and confusion. Always go for an Identity Management system that is flexible and capable of synchronizing with a wide variety of directories such as LDAP, G Suite and Microsoft Active.

From dependency to flawlessness

One of the chief benefits of integrated identity management and HR systems is that they take the dependency out of the onboarding and offboarding equation. For example, a system like OneLogin is capable of provisioning application access when it comes to new recruits in a way that is automated, quick and accurate. The overall implication is that you will not need to reach out to IT to have them perform these kinds of tasks. Here is an example of how it works; once a new hire has their credentials captured by HR, the Identity Management unit is able to build profiles that link closely to the apps that the new employee is most likely to use.

On the other hand, should an old employee part ways with the organization and has that captured by the HR, then the identity management system in play will run a concordant command that deletes their credentials from the system without anyone ever having to lift a finger.

Onboarding and off boarding are a pain, but only until you learn the perks that come with integrating IM and HR software.  Check out the OneLogin iTunes app page for more user reviews.