Technology has given us new ways to store and share data. But with the apps and devices comes another set of risks, and many people are unwittingly putting their sensitive information at risk from hackers. This article will explore how you can ensure your data is as safe as possible from online threats, both large and small.

  1. Use Strong Passwords

Your first line of defense against hackers is to use strong passwords. Strong passwords are long and include a combination of letters, numbers and symbols. Use a different password for each account you have online such that if one gets hacked, you won’t also have to change the password on all your other accounts. And as tempting as it may be, never use the same password for more than one account.

  1. Choose a Secure Website

Not all websites are secure, so use an online generator to create unique passwords. But the process of creating unique passwords can be tedious if you have to fill them out over and over again. Avoid clicking on popups that appear when you’re in the middle of doing something else. Instead, open a new tab and type the web address yourself.

  1. Have Firewalls

In addition to passwords, firewalls can also protect your system from hackers. Some people mistakenly believe that they don’t need a VPN if they have a firewall. That’s not true. A firewall is a networking device designed to provide an extra layer of security against known and unknown threats.

  1. Use a VPN

Virtual Private Networks are a reliable way to encrypt data sent across the internet, encrypting all data sent or received by the VPN client and updated firewall settings. It also provides a secure connection to your home computer using public Wi-Fi. To get the best VPN experience, choose an encrypted VPN with strong encryption and reliable security features.

  1. Keep Your Software Up-to-Date

One of the most overlooked ways to protect yourself from hackers is to update your software. Whether you’re using Apple, Microsoft or Android, keep your software up-to-date. Hackers are always looking for ways to break into systems, and their first step is trying out different vulnerabilities. You’ll be ahead of the game if you’ve already updated your software! But if not, it’s highly recommended that you do so immediately.

Keeping your data safe is easy. With the right mix of strong passwords, firewalls and a reliable VPN, you can be confident that your data will not fall victim to hackers. Regardless of your data’s security, it’s always a good idea to make backups. Be sure your backup device is encrypted for added security.