Dubai is a hotspot for innovative people that are constantly developing new technologies. If you’re looking to be at the forefront of innovation, then this list will help you get started. Here are FOUR Dubai technologies that everyone should know about.

1) Blockchain

With the invention of Bitcoin, blockchain has become a hot topic. It is basically an online ledger that records and verifies transactions made on it. This means you can’t go back and edit what was said or done before; your transaction history will always be transparent for anyone to see! There are two different types: private (used by banks) and public (used by cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin).

2) Artificial Intelligence

The development of AI has been increasing over the past few years. It is basically a computer that can perform tasks that normally require human intelligence, such as decision-making or speech recognition. As it gets more advanced, we will be seeing this used in many different places including Dubai! For example, instead of having to take your picture for a driver’s license, your face can be scanned and it will do the same thing.

3) Virtual Reality

If you’ve ever wanted to be in someone else’s shoes, then this technology is for you! The use of virtual reality (VR) has grown over the past few years and will only continue to do so. It gives users experiences that seem real but are not physically there; it can take videos or images and make them appear like they are almost real! The use of VR can be seen in many different places, such as video games. For example, the game Second Life allows users to create their own avatar and go on virtual adventures with others online (and even make money through it)! It also has practical applications like allowing architects to design buildings before construction takes place.

4) Drones

Not only are drones popular for delivering packages, but they can also be used by professionals! For example, Dubai’s Road and Transport Authority is using it to monitor the city. They have fitted over 20 cameras on them that take pictures at different angles of roads so that any issues with infrastructure or traffic accidents can easily be seen from above. This helps the government find out about issues quickly rather than having to wait for someone to report it.

Drones can also be used in many other creative ways. For example, they have been filmed creating art or taking pictures of water that look like oil paintings with light being shown on them. It really is incredible what you can do when using this technology.