Most of us could not do our job without using technology. Our schools have integrated technology into the way students learn, collaborate and work. There is no doubt technology offers teachers and students many benefits. However, it is also causing a divide in our classrooms.

No Equal Access

When it comes to technology, there is a line drawn between the haves and have not. Children of wealthy families have access to devices, software and other technological equipment needed for their educational success. It is not the same for some lower and middle-class families. They do not necessarily have access to all the equipment. Even if families can afford computers and all the necessary tools, they may not know how to use them.

The Pandemic

All students are entitled to the resources needed to guarantee academic success. During the pandemic, too many students did not have access to computers or the internet. Students could not take part in virtual learning. Many students are still attending school virtually, and many children do not have access to learning opportunities.

Miss Out

Students who lack access to the internet are missing out on learning opportunities. They do not have a way to get up-dated information or watch educational programming. Some experts believe this could affect these students for the rest of their lives. Without the same access as other students, it could prevent them from being competitive in the job market.

What Can We Do?

Luckily, some things can be done in the coming year to help eliminate the technological educational gap. First, governments across the world need to step up. They have the power to provide affordable technology to students and teachers. Not being able to afford the internet should not be a brick wall for students. Educators need to continue to push their governments and big companies to fund their schools.


Next, educators, including parents, and students need to be taught to use the technology. Students who do not have the training to use all the tools will only fall further behind. Teachers who are not trained can not teach their students.