Some technology organizations have paid a deaf ear to handle the online sexual abuse issue seriously. The Home security secretary noted this while announcing an extra 21.5 million euros to assists investigators. The police have in the past complained that they are facing constant uphill brawls. Investigators have been having financial struggles to track down offenders. However, with the financial boost that they received from the secretary, they will be able to carry out their activity with much ease. Sajid noted that he didn’t want to shame and name the firms because he wished to give them a second opportunity to respond responsibly. If they do not undertake the action that is required of them, he will not hesitate to name them.

Social media company Facebook was earlier named. The firm was named by a staff of a children’s charity as one of the tech companies that was not responding to the issue. The tech giant was not flagging and detecting up accounts that used to send out several friend requests to suspicious situations. Sajid was speaking at the headquarters that are based in London. The announcement was trailed by the Home security secretary as a landmark speech. Sajid noted that he was so far amused at the progress that was made by Facebook and other technology firms like Google, Microsoft and Twitter. The firms had erased all terrorist content. However, Sajid wished that they make the same effort to eradicate child sexual exploitation.

Sajid stated that in the past, there was good work that was taking place in the area. The reality of the whole story was that the threat had evolved much quicker than the Industry’s response. The industry had not kept up with the pace. Sajid made this announcement after the National Crime Agency said that there was up to 80,000 individuals in the United Kingdom that were assessed for posing related sexual threats to children online. Sajid noted that he was not only asking for change. He was demanding an immediate change. If the technology firms don’t take necessary measures to erase child sexual abuse images, then he won’t hesitate to take action himself. The legislation that he will implement will be determined with the attitude and action that the industry will decide to pursue. Apart from the 21.5 million euros that the Secretary promised to deliver to the Agency in the next 18 months, there will be another 2.6 million euros that will act as funds for preventive works. These funds will be issued to foundations like Lucy Faithful.

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