Humans tend to be more productive when using technology to its full potential. One such way to take advantage of the technology in your pocket is through your smartphone. There are a variety of ways to use your smartphone to increase productivity and make the most of your day.

Utilize Task Manager Apps

Task manager apps can be incredibly helpful for managing tasks and getting organized. Many task manager apps can remind you of deadlines, set reminders for follow-ups, and organize your schedule with to-do lists. By using a task manager app, you can be sure that you never miss an important deadline and stay on top of your responsibilities.

Use Voice Recognition Software

Voice recognition software can help you save time and increase productivity. Many voice-recognition apps are free, making it easy to quickly send emails, search the web, and add tasks to your to-do list. Consider setting up the app to recognize and respond to specific commands to become even more productive.

Set Goals and Automate Reoccurring Tasks

Setting goals and automating reoccurring tasks can help you stay organized and reduce the time spent on mundane tasks. Use an app such as Evernote to set goals and create reminders for yourself. You can also automate reoccurring tasks such as paying bills or checking the news—other apps, such as IFTTT, allow you to automate tasks across different apps.

Take Advantage of Cloud Storage

Cloud storage can help keep your data safe and secure. Using a cloud-based service such as Dropbox or Google Drive, you can safely store documents, images, and other files in the cloud. This will help you access your data from anywhere and save time by not transferring files manually between devices.

Take Breaks and Unplug

It is important to remember to take breaks and unplug technology. Taking regular breaks can help you reset and stay focused. Consider setting the alarm on your phone that reminds you to take a break. Unplugging from technology can also help you stay focused and productive.

Following these simple steps can easily increase your productivity with your smartphone. These tips will help you stay organized and get the most out of your smartphone, from setting goals and automating tasks to taking regular breaks.